Renewable Energy Technologies-E004

Course Overview:

Renewable energy has gained a lot of attention as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels in reducing carbon emissions and averting the climate crisis. This course will explore the available renewable technologies and explore some of the benefits and bottle necks to wide spread adoption.

Course Outcomes

This course will enable participants develop a deep understanding of renewable energy technologies including the policy issues, design, system integration, licensing, project design and implementation, and maintenance practices


a) Hydrogen energy
b) Renewable energy management and finance
c) Carbon Finance
d) Renewable energy solutions
e) Solar photovoltaic
f) Wind power
g) Biomass
h) Wave and hydropower
i) Energy storage

Course Starts

November 4, 2024

Course Ends

November 8, 2024

Course Duration

5 Days, Mombasa, Kenya


1000 USD

Registration Deadline

October 25, 2024

Target Participants

Staff of Energy Ministries, Respective NRI's and Power Utilities

AcademyLearning Approach & Outcome

Live Classes

This Course offers different interaction  and training levels depending on previous Knowledge, experience and time spent on the course.

Knowledge Hub

We offer a centralized aggregated data hub in the fields of Energy particularly in fields of electricity, gas and Petroleum, which are accessible to all participants.

Current & Customised Courses

This course is customised to the needs of the African Energy landscape and offers practical field applications for leaders and workers in the Energy sector.


We offer Certificates of achievement and keep records after our courses are completed which are fully verifiable online.