Mini-Grids Development & Regulation

Course Overview:

Mini grids have been touted as the silver bullet to accelerate acceleration in the developing world. However there a several policy and sustainability issues which need to be resolved before we can see widespread adoption.
This course will take a deep dive into mini grids and what needs to be done by all stakeholders to sustainability implement these projects.

Course Outcomes

After the course participants will have a deeper appreciation of the technology, the policy bottlenecks, sustainability paths, and a clear understand of how to size, design, and implement mini grids.


a) Policy and regulatory issues
b) Mini grid project development
c) Pricing and financial viability
d) Sustainability of mini grid projects

Course Starts

August 12, 2024

Course Ends

August 16, 2024

Course Duration

5 Days


1000 USD

Registration Deadline

August 9, 2024

Target Participants

Staff of Energy Ministries, Respective NRI's and Power Utilities

AcademyLearning Approach & Outcome

Live Classes

This Course offers different interaction  and training levels depending on previous Knowledge, experience and time spent on the course.

Knowledge Hub

We offer a centralized aggregated data hub in the fields of Energy particularly in fields of electricity, gas and Petroleum, which are accessible to all participants.

Current & Customised Courses

This course is customised to the needs of the African Energy landscape and offers practical field applications for leaders and workers in the Energy sector.


We offer Certificates of achievement and keep records after our courses are completed which are fully verifiable online.