Fundamentals of Energy and Utility Regulation-E001(B)

Why This Course?

In designing and implementing robust regulation, there are no one-size-fits-all formulae for every element to achieve targeted, sustainable development. Moreover, it has emerged that each country differs in its level of competition, liberalisation, substance and governance.  Therefore, this training provides an introduction to utility regulation whereby detailed practical examples are used to enable regulators to learn the best practices for effective regulation and policy formulation.

A lively discussion on dynamic regulation, how to ensure regulation anticipates and, as appropriate, adapts to market evolutions, how to regulate an industry/network with potentially continuing reduced energy volumes and more intermittent sources, and how to move from static regulation to more dynamic regulation and how to regulate infrastructure for different purposes.

What You Will Learn

  1. Economics of regulation
  2. Institutional setting and decision-making processes of energy regulatory institutions
  3. Market monitoring and surveillance
  4. Effective regulatory strategies for monitoring the performance of regulated utilities and enforcing compliance by  regulatory institutions
  5. Fundamentals  of  price regulation and regulatory  process
  6. The setting of the revenue requirements in tariff design,
  7. Dealing with network access and the significance of long-term contracts on competition in power pools and electricity markets
  8. Regulatory capture, regulation in a political environment
  9. Cost-Reflective tariffs, Tariff rebalancing, cross-subsidisation, and funding of social obligations
  10. Strategies for conducting price reviews


Course Starts

March 3, 2025

Course Ends

March 7, 2025

Course Duration

5 Days ; Venue : Kampala-Uganda


1000 USD

Registration Deadline

February 25, 2025

Target Participants

Policy Makers, Auditors, Regulators, Project Managers, Energy Professionals, Recent Graduates, Economists, Engineers, utility experts and IPPs

AcademyLearning Approach & Outcome

Live Classes

This Course offers different interaction  and training levels depending on previous Knowledge, experience and time spent on the course.

Knowledge Hub

We offer a centralized aggregated data hub in the fields of Energy particularly in fields of electricity, gas and Petroleum, which are accessible to all participants.

Current & Customised Courses

This course is customised to the needs of the African Energy landscape and offers practical field applications for leaders and workers in the Energy sector.


We offer Certificates of achievement and keep records after our courses are completed which are fully verifiable online.