Fuel Quality Monitoring

Course Overview:

As refiners and chemical producers worldwide see higher crude oil and feed prices and continued demand for clean transportation fuels and lower production costs, a sound knowledge of fuel product specifications, their analysis, and quality monitoring is essential to understand its effect on engine performances. In addition, the efficient use of laboratory staff and equipment to ensure the optimum processing of crude oil to meet customer fuel product specifications is of prime importance.

This training course has been developed to provide an in-depth, yet a practical review of the art and cience of “Fuel Quality Monitoring System Fundamentals.” The program’s content is both comprehensive and wide-ranging. A Case Study approach covers some selected crude oil assays, product specifications, sampling methodology, analytical methods and quality monitoring found in refinery facilities will be presented

Course Outcomes

By the end of this training course, participants will:
a) Describe fuels chemistry, manufacturing, blending, distribution, and handling.
b) Compare testing parameters for gasoline, jet fuel, and road diesel.
c) Apply combustion parameters to fuels.
d) Explain how fuel properties influence engine performance.
e) Manage jet fuel quality by applying principles of handling and microbial degradation.
f) Explain diesel properties and their impact on fuel performance.
g) Troubleshoot quality problems and contamination of fuels.
h) Discuss fuel quality monitoring system.
i) Address specific problems in distribution and fuel testing and propose solutions


a) Introduction of Fuel Quality Fundamentals
b) Gasoline
c) Jet Fuel
d) Diesel
e) Fuel Quality Monitoring System

Course Starts

January 22, 2024

Course Ends

January 26, 2024

Course Duration

5 Days


1000 USD

Registration Deadline

Target Participants

This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit: Operation Engineers, Production Engineers,  Process Engineers, Senior Operation Personnel, Operation Staff, Technical Supervisory Staff, Plant Engineers, Fuel quality specialists, Measurement and quality control operators, Foremen

AcademyLearning Approach & Outcome

Live Classes

This Course offers different interaction  and training levels depending on previous Knowledge, experience and time spent on the course.

Knowledge Hub

We offer a centralized aggregated data hub in the fields of Energy particularly in fields of electricity, gas and Petroleum, which are accessible to all participants.

Current & Customised Courses

This course is customised to the needs of the African Energy landscape and offers practical field applications for leaders and workers in the Energy sector.


We offer Certificates of achievement and keep records after our courses are completed which are fully verifiable online.