Course Overview:
Effective communication is critically important for all organisations. Strengthening the role of media to promote sustainable energy is a key driver of competitiveness in our fast-moving business world. Through this course, reporters, journalists and communication experts will jointly study and discuss policy, technical and social issues of energy development and its implication in the East African Region.
The course will prepare these experts to cover international energy markets, at every level, from physical crude to Geo-political implications and equip them with the necessary tools to fully and adequately cover energy markets.
They will learn valuable skills such as market jargon, and energy market reporting, thus enabling them to produce stories at the level implement these projects expected of international news agencies, and specialist energy publications.
The course will provide the participant with a strong understanding of the basic types of energy sources, energy unions, energy transition, energy security, regulation, energy trade, energy supply geopolitics and future energy trends.
Course Outcomes
After the course, participants will have a deeper appreciation of corporate communication,apply different techniques and tools to implement an effective corporate communication program and plan and execute corporate communication programs and campaigns internally and externally. Additionally, they will have a better understanding of the novel energy sector and its associated policy bottlenecks, as well as how well to engage the stakeholders.
- Apply different techniques and tools to implement an effective corporate communication program
- Plan and execute corporate communication programs and campaigns internally and externally
- Identify and utilize specialist areas in corporate communication
- Employ corporate communication in new organizational developments
- Effective Business Writing
- Understanding of energy supply and demand
- How to cover a complex breaking energy-based story in a structured and relevant way
- Ability to understand market jargon and turn it into clear, informative copy
- Ability to analyse risk and assess geo-political fallout from energy-based news
- Tips and guidelines to cover breaking news in a team
- Basics of electricity markets