Energy Management for Non Technical persons working in the Energy Sector

Why This Course?

The course develops a deeper knowledge and understanding of energy management and minimisation of energy loss. It builds a foundational understanding of energy management, energy use, and how to apply it within an organization. At the end of the program, the participants will obtain insight into the principles, systems, codes, and regulations that govern energy efficiency. They will also understand the basics of calculating, benchmarking, and auditing energy consumption.

What You Will Learn

  1. energy politics and the Responsibility of an energy manager
  2. Focused project planning for an energy management system and consideration of national legal frameworks
  3. Evaluation of energy characteristic numbers and creation of an action plan
  4. Introduction and execution of an energy plan
  5. Documentation of energy management system, implementation and control of energy-relevant processes, energy purchasing and supplier management
  6. Basics and goals of energy management systems, including ISO 50001 and DIN EN 19011
  7. Demands on energy auditors and aspects relevant to internal and external energy management audits
  8. Establishment of audit programmes, role, responsibilities and tasks of an energy auditor, and legal framework for a compliance audit
  9. Making an audit, documentation, interview and questioning techniques, active listening, and handling difficult conversations
  10. Post-processing of audit, its evaluation and documentation
  11. Tracking correction provisions


Course Starts

September 18, 2023

Course Ends

September 22, 2023

Course Duration

5 Days


1000 USD

Registration Deadline

August 1, 2023

Target Participants

Energy efficiency project/program managers, People in career transition, new individuals establishing themselves in the energy efficiency industry, professionals seeking to upgrade their skills, recent graduates, and recently hired energy management professionals.

AcademyLearning Approach & Outcome

Live Classes

This Course offers different interaction  and training levels depending on previous Knowledge, experience and time spent on the course.

Knowledge Hub

We offer a centralized aggregated data hub in the fields of Energy particularly in fields of electricity, gas and Petroleum, which are accessible to all participants.

Current & Customised Courses

This course is customised to the needs of the African Energy landscape and offers practical field applications for leaders and workers in the Energy sector.


We offer Certificates of achievement and keep records after our courses are completed which are fully verifiable online.